Are you
Closing say-do gaps. Unlocking transformative growth.
Take a moment and just imagine...
believing in yourself
What was once alien is now a warm comfy jumper that you love to wear regularly. You're so clear now and full of confidence in your own abilities. You've got proof points all over the place that remind you of this, and you look internally for validation. Having the first call with Paul was the best decision in a long time. You started right then and there to believe in yourself and now you're absolutely bossing it! You're not embarrassed to say "I'm amazing" to yourself!!
overcoming your limiting beliefs
You feel like a new person for the first time in a long time as you see there are so many exciting opportunities ahead of you. Your limiting beliefs aren't in control and preventing you from discovering new things, you're totally in the driving seat. Look at all you're accomplishing now, your power is clear for all to see as you grow at speed!
landing that dream job
You've been after this for a while and haven't quite found your tribe. Having spent some time working on your purpose and values you've come to realise what it is you really want to do. A few months passed and you've been making lots of progress in turning this dream into a reality. Before you know it, you're doing it and it feels great. You can't believe how good it feels and that you waited this long to make it happen.
making huge progress like never before
You're feeling really connected to your resources, like there's nothing you can't turn your hand to. Suddenly, things that were dragging you down are now progressed easily, it's like you've found a hack. This newfound approach is opening up lots of other opportunities for you to explore, including making time for yourself!
growing your team through turbulence
The constant changes aren't phasing you and you're clear on how to support and grow your team despite all the uncertainty. People are feeling more connected to you as a leader and are experiencing the positive impact you're having for them. The level of engagement and committment is rising, even when the circumstances are super challenging.
harnessing your stress and anxiety
You notice how confident you feel and the ebb and flow of circumstances aren't phasing you. In fact you can see a way through and are confident in your ability to handle it. You're more self-aware than ever before which is providing the perfect balance to the stress and anxiety, leaving it significantly less dominant! You're on fire (not literally)!
having clarity on your direction
You're now clear on your direction which is empowering and energising, finally being freed from the uncertainty of not knowing if you're doing the right thing. You're so clear that lots of areas of your life are falling into place. You're a beacon to those around you.
being free from the "rat race"
This has been a constant nag in your mind, and now you're seeing just how much more possibility is out there for you. Some of it is close to home, some of it requires a bit more growth. What you know for sure is that you can choose something different for yourself without having to uproot everything you know. Wow, things are really going to be different around here!
growing from setbacks
"Thank you for that setback" comes out of your mouth rather unexpectedly. You're grateful for the nudge you needed to explore something new. It's given you a new lease of life and you can see how the setback doesn't define you. You're on to bigger and better things!
You'd be surprised how alive these are for us all, a lot of the time. The key is doing something different, for yourself, because you want it. If you can relate to any of these and you'd love to experience something like this, we should definitely work together!
I've had a lot of opportunities to experience these things for myself, and much more besides. Why not you give yourself the opportunity to fly?! What's stopping you?
Find out more about the approach
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I've seen enough, let's have a chat!
Curiosity overwhelms ego...
Hi, I'm Paul, lovely to meet you
I'm a coach, business owner, content creator, facilitator, leader and musician. I believe my sense of curiosity is my super power which is amplified by my heartedness.
This serves me in all aspects of my life from learning and applying new things to my love of music - both playing and listening - through to spending time with interesting people and sharing special moments with my family.
If you want to hear a bit more from me, take a listen to Curious Brainfarts. It's a place where Lou and I have chats about things we're curious about.
We don't profess to have any of the answers, just curiosity.

Embark on your own journey today
The time to begin is now, don't want to experience your own customised programme, super charging your transformation! It starts with a free design call.
Honestly answer the following questions.
Take your time and understand the impact of the answers you discover. The recipe for your success starts here!
What do you want to be different?
What's the impact of NOT achieving it?
Where would you like to be, by when?
What would achieving this mean to you?
The average ROI for a client is at least 300% across financial, career, relationships, personal growth and much more!